english is simply awesome and facinating.
its also really really hilariously funny when used wrongly.
what thing? haha
swimming anyone?
ohh the poor grass =P
salon de POO? no thanks man.
everyone off the cliff!!
Gee, i don't want homeless rubbish either.
me too! lol
hahaha.who can't go home?
who's turn is it to lick the car?
crikey! wow good parenting...
oooh. scary...
XD not my kind of party..
haha. no worries, i won't be feeding the fishes, especially with my private
beware of the really brown ones...
simply haha XD
...to relieve stress
yep. my horny needs taking care off... haha
so don't be jumping yes?
if you are fired, call the fireman at once.
yueghh. i wonder what they do for a living
today will be ready tomorrow.
heh. where'd the beans come from?
i wanna bomb you with a dangerous wealthy person lump.
will pie do?
don't worry we won't laugh
isn't that what it's for?
...resist your temtations
these two were the best. both happened to be menus somehow.
runner up:
how hard are you laughing now?
i especially don't want to order the last one...whatever it may be.
this gets 1908989283454 thumbs up for utterly horrible tranlations.
i really really loved it. it literally got me crying with side-splitting laughter. the most HILARIOUS thing i have ever ever read.
got it from this blog/site :http://rahoi.com/2006/03/may-i-take-your-order/
basically this guy went to a restaurant and he bought the menu cos it was so so funny.
hmmm okay, not sure what that meant.
Yeah, that sounds like a bargain item.
I think I’ll have the cowboy pick, or maybe the cowboy LEG?!?!
what the heck is a rurality salad?
the pearl picks what?
the Bcabe muscle is found near the um...
yep go pour retchup and orange juice all over you steak. that'd be nice XD
I’m not quite that hungry, thanks.
i guess no one can fry the king then?
cucumber hoof? whats a wood flower?
what’s with all the verbs? so the slippery meat is in the king's vegetables which is all in the pillar???
i'll have a LONG drink please.
what's with cowboy meat?
yummy bumping milk...
1 article pot: hometown? what???
must've been made scornfully
Nah, I think I’ll just have a Papsi.
i'd like more words plum. help my english.
why did the west bean have to pay the fish a soup?
so what are the three 'ingnedients'?
i steams the exam paper.
upsize anyone?
french crips to go?
Do I order this or agree with it?
Does anyone order the “Strange Flavour of inside Freasure?” what does a beautiful pole taste like?
what does the man fruit grow on?
Double boiled frog plaster with cocnut juie for dessert? bleaugh.
what kinda pizza exactly?
well, then, what the hell is it?
black bowel and particularly must?
is this a TV show?
i pass...
lol. just pure lol.
how do you numb vegetables? and what’s f**k silk?
please no thank you.
yep, have a salt free meal. enjoy your duck chin.
simply awesome funny shit XD
happy laughing
replies to tags:
cynthia: we were glad too =D
janice: yes david's cute! =D u talking abt archuleta rite? haha.
ying tai: yeah! i'm so getting his album! pity he didn't win...