yes, Hydrophophataemia (hai-dro-fo-fay-tay-mia) is a chim biology word. a from of rickets. @.@ i have no idea why i needed to say that.
wait... it's not teacher's day just yet. we just celebrated yesterday.
i suck because i didn't manage to get much pictures yesterday. silly me decided to leave my stupid bag behind the assembly plaza and wasted the glorious chance of taking photos of our ACES day, which was, in fact quite terrible.
nay, it was horrible. sad to say it was the worse ACES day i've done. it wasn't the dance. i liked the dance. cute and enjoyable. it was just the fact that they broke the whole school into 2. by houses. i mean, it just wasn't fun no more, not without the whole school doing together. besides, ACES day is when All Children Excercise Simultanously. it isn't ALL if half the school is sitting there watching the other. oh well, never enjoyed the housing system anyway. so much for the "ohh make the whole school united...blahblahblah". House System = social segregation!
well anyway. the concert, however, was pretty good fun and cute. heh.
mr Haresh AKA the Phantom of TK. so cute! haha. really sent us into fits of laughter. and he can sing too.
my favourite was the dance by the sec 4s! they were so amazing. hats off to them man, they can dance.
i also really liked the sec 3 band. i must say they're one of the best TK bands i've seen! not that there are very many anyway.
it's sad actually, our last teachers day here. next year we'd be the ones coming back, crying because of how much we'd miss TK. shouldn't think about that yet...
ahhh. i should get started on studying.
enjoy your mugging week!
sherissa!: so so so sorry! it was an accident lol. i accdentally press wrong. won't happen again. hehe