Wednesday 27 August 2008

The beginning of the end.

today, my friends, was the last day of normal school.

today we had the last day of normal lessons, the last of our timetable and the last of normal recess. today, we had the last PE lesson.

tomorrow will be the start, the start of prelims, the start of the cramming, jamming and stuffing of four years worth of knowledge and info into every nook and cranny of our cranium. tomorrow will kick off the worrying, panicking and stressing for the O levels. dear me.

today, was the end of the good times, the fun that we all had in our four years at TK and tomorrow will be the start of the mad, tough sprint to the finish line, the final lap of our secondary school studies - the worse one.

God, how time flies when you're having fun, coupled with stress, intense studying and crazy revision. it seemed like only yesterday that i was complaining about how we only had a few weeks to prelims, going on and on about how a slacker i've been. and now, i'm staring prelims in the face, just nervously awaiting the start.

but, unhappiness, countless woes, nonchalant and melancholic thoughts aside, today, the 27th of august 2008, my brother Andrew turns 6. oh my gosh. 6? as in S-I-X 6?


yes, this messy little chatterbox is 6 years today. Shall i reiterate how fast time zooms pass. maybe not. but yeah, it too reminds me how old i'm getting (i used to really 'worship' people who were 16 last time) it's so fast that it's getting scary.

as a form of celebration for this glorious occasion - my brother turning 6 and me getting older :X, we all went to watch Wall.E. i know people will be like "are you insane? prelims tomorrow and you still go watch movie???" i said that to myself too so they're not alone. yet, for my beloved brothers sake , we all headed to Suntec to catch the movie. i wasn't disappointed. a definite brilliant watch people! the story, superb. not to mention it's witty, funny and hilariously cute! what's more, there's like barely a few lines of dialogue and they managed to convey every single expression and feeling exceptionally clearly using pure genius animation of the various characters. i'm still amazed at how the tech behind entertainment has managed to come so far.

enough of my rambles so good luck for tomorrow. may you have inspiration to write and that the new air-conditioners don't freeze your bum off.


cherio and don't sleep too late!



janice( also "ikl:) : why u spam my tagbox...haha.

joan: oh yeah. so damn cute! (:

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