Friday, 31 October 2008

Trick or treat!

Don't know about trick but it was a sure treat coming home from bio.

bio was generally quite okay to be honest. no big new topics like molecular genetics and stuff. just old topics that we've been doing over and over before so it was alright.

now we can take another big big breath and have some proper shut-eye.


*exhales deeply* only 2 more major papers to go, if you count chinese that is.

(: i really can't stop thinking about after the Great Os. so many things to do. so many things i want to do. and of course my Birthday! yeahhh. sweet sixteen baby here i come!

haha. i'm in such a relaxed mood right now. and i'm so wanting David Archuleta's album right now. it's sounding amazing.

gosh i'm so random.

Happy Halloween you guys! Toodles~


Iat: yeah. as does everyone. (: moderation time!

janice: yeah bio was just like prelim! most of the hard stuff didn't come out. physics is officiall the worst! lol

cyn: hehe (:

Thursday, 30 October 2008

Mouth shut.

Eeep. maths was bad. that's all i've got to say.

if you happen to squeeze out the time to come on the computer now (which by-the-way i'm wondering why i'm blogging right now), check out this cute song (destress much?) :

arg wu sentafinticate nar dunderford
bida menti kosticated interserd
thorphilliate stinded yilla billa zay
wentora yate paravillintiniay

dorga orpha dorga billa
dorga orpha stifaleare
dorga orpha dorga billa
tonalation fonamer

stop talking gibberish
or just stop talking
stop talking gibberish
or just stop talking
stop talking gibberish
or just stop talking
stop talking gibberish
or just stop talking now

if i had one wish
well i don't know what i'd wish for
but if i had a million zillion wishes
i'd use one to let you know that gibberish is
not a nice way to talk to all your

mork sawx ippen reeby yufftabar
higgerd quillip ernigrade du wellinshar
lirp crawn xyfa gourk jawinstabray
venaldo urp paravillintiniay

stop talking gibberish
or just stop talking
stop talking gibberish
or just stop talking
stop talking gibberish
or just stop talking
stop talking gibberish
or just stop talking now

if i had one wish
well i don't know what i'd wish for
but if i had a million zillion wishes
i'd use one to let you know that gibberish is
not a nice way to talk to all your friends

yeah, a pretty non-sense, funny song. then again, we're all going bonkers with studying.

argh. off to drown in bio again. i'm gonna have nightmares tonight with sebum, arthoslcerosis and arteriosclerosis, emphysema, systole, diastole and everything else all running a muck inside my head.

see you tomorrow, if i survive tonight.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008


Physics is officially FLUNKED, FAILED AND DOWN THE DRAIN. gosh i'm so sure that my physics is gonna be an epic PHAIL. gah.

today's paper was like absolute rubbish. i dunno if it was because we weren't taught some stuff or i was too lazy to actually study everything. whatever, i guess i've only got myself to blame. and just last friday i was saying that the Os weren't as bad as i thought. well, me and my big mouth.  i'm like officially banned from saying such things ever again :S

if mr Wee ever finds out exactly how much i got he's gonna hang me upside down i tell you. yikes.

okay, stop panicking. no point crying over spilt milk my mum always says. all there's left to do now is work my bum off for bio - the last A i'll ever get.

i've just made myself a mountain to climb :| but i guess i deserve it.


janice: yeah... it was alot. and my studying physics was all in vain - i still failed today

cyn: cool right! it really felt very real! like when they put the plastic bag over "my head" it made me kinda tickle-ish lol!

Friday, 24 October 2008

The first break!

Amaths, geography and English is...


yes! today we are on day 5. so... eight more to go! yeah!

i'm am pretty darn happy today, i dare say. haha. ahh finally we get the hard-earned break that we all deserve. though it like only lasts for one day, i think it's better than none. i've never been so thankful for such a short rest before.

so far? i think it's been pretty okay really, not as bad a storm as i thought. yeah, me and my 'storms' again.

de-stress! try this: (and use STEREO headphones!)

it's pretty cool haha!
sigh, really can't wait until all these 'Os' are over. man, if i were so happy today just because we finished a week of papers i think when it's all all over on 13th november, i'm gonna go balistic! haha. i wonder how happy i'm gonna be.
oh! and i can't wait till sailing camp! the BEST camp in the entire school man! but, this year's not gonna be as great cos we're sleeping in school. NOooooo! i want my aircon dorms and comfy beds!!! *sobs* and we won't be able to stay up and run a muck or order pizza/macs in the middle of the night and stuff (AWwwwww!)...and with all the stuff people say about school at night *shudders* Nonetheless i can't wait! we're going rockclimbing, ice skating - i hope so! if not some lazer-gun thing! haha. oh yeah...
unless you plan on using today, whatever's left of today to study =| which isn't much by the way, ENJOY THE BREAK!
catch 'cha later.
joanie: thanks! i'm pretty chilled now =P yeah i don't wanna end up at the bottom of that bell! lol
Iat: yeah. moderation can save us...

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Down goes another one.

you know, i've been so stressed that i have actually managed to count the number of exams we have wrongly!?

i guess i shall leave my earlier posts as evidence but all along, since last week till now i have been thinking that we have 14 days of exams! and we only have 13! how insane is that man... (it is 13 right?)

so today, it's THREE down, TEN to go.

Eeeep. amaths. me donch wanna talk about it. ah well, as i always say: expect an F9 so that if you get like a C or B at least you won't be broken hearted.

Geography. yikes. looks like an cramming session is due.



Iat: haha yeah. neither did i, i guess. lol and "get our A"?

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

English, english, english

English has officially gone down the drain.

it wasn't as bad as i expected, well i expected the worst remember? but, doing well? nah. i am very confident and certain and i strongly believe that i am going to flunk my english. yes.

crappy english marks = crappy L1R5. sweet...

now amaths. Oh my gosh amaths. and i am already absolutely exhausted. oh die.

Monday, 20 October 2008

A little bit of today.

ONE day down. oh just THIRTEEN more to go. that's all.

And for the very first time in my life, i am genuinely, extremely and absolutely terrified of the English paper tomorrow.

i wish i could say "hey, i actually not too bad in english." i always thought i could. but i was wrong, so wrong.  Damn me for finding out today, the day before O level English.

i can't do chinese for absolute nuts, yet i still can't get english right, the language i speak day in day out. what have i got really?

i'm going to do what it takes, and prepare for the very worst.


Sunday, 19 October 2008

Freak out.

totally freaking out right now. i'm so so scared. it's chemistry tomorrow. oh help. i'm not prepapred, not prepared at all to take exams. i want reality to kick me.  i want to stop dreaming. i want to start panicking. no, i have started panicking...

today feels like the horribly horrible calm before the storm, it feels like one of those regattas where we are on the shore just waiting to launch our boats into a storm, watching the dark sinister black clouds slowly inch their way towards us, feeling the soft gentle sea breeze blow at our faces. but we know all too well that the soft gentle breeze would soon erupt into a ferocious gale which will every so often threaten to blow us over, sending us crashing out of our boats and into the water as we sail slowly and streadily into the heart of the storm. i've been in all that before and it's was never a good feeling. but that's exactly how i feel like today.

tomorrow we enter the last lap, the final sprint to the finish. the finish that we've been working towards for these past 4 years. the final judgement.

the next 4 weeks are going to be hectic. tomorrow starts it all. it's either going to make me or break me. i'm either going to feel pround and satisfied with myself at the end or regret it, regret everything, regret not putting in everything i had and realising only after i'm done and through. i wish the latter will never come to be.

Everybody knows the end
When the curtain hits the floor
Everybody knows the end
Don't wanna get there wishing that you'd given more
It's not over, till it's over
So how do we begin?
When everybody knows the end

it's the final stretch. i'm going to give it my all.

on that final note, my dear friends, i wish you all the best of luck. May God bless you.

Friday, 17 October 2008


yeah. oops! as u can see i blatenly wrote yesterday as 16th of september and not october as it should be. ah,i just reflects how badly i want it to be still september.

the days are closing in. the big Os are coming. there, a straight forward sentence.

and i can't can't believe it. yesterday was one month to my birthday. today makes it 30 days from my birthday. AND I FORGOT ALL ABOUT IT! normally i would've remembered the date. normally i remember the date of even 2 months before my birthday. but this morning i just got up and was like "oh my gosh yesterday was 16th of october"

i know others won't really know the significance of this date. but for me, being a late-in-the-year november kid, 16th of october is a big deal since i usually wait a gazillion months just for my birthday. and the thing is, this year i have no recollection of waiting at all for my brithday. i've been studying too much that time just flew right by. i think this year has been the only time ever that i am wishing my birthday did not come so fast.i bet that if my birthday was during the exams, i would have forgotten it completely.

ohh ohh! but i've at least got one thing off my mind. the prom dress worry that kept me up all night is no more! yes i've bought one. hurrah. now comes the buy-shoes-and-earings worry. hmmm.


goodluck studying!


janice: haha! yeah. thanks for pointing it out! (: lol i must've been dreaming or wishing that it was 16th of september. xD jia you too!!! now 3 days left! oh my...

Thursday, 16 October 2008

It's work o'clock.

well it better be, for me anyway. it had better be for the next 4 weeks i tell ya. gosh, i don't even know why i'm bothering to type this up. *warning: a very much complaining and rambling post.

it's like 352,800 seconds to chemistry paper 2. oops, we've lost a couple of seconds there... do you know how small that number suddenly seems? i mean, every time u can say "one thousand" we minus one off that number and believe me it's gonna decrease at an alarming super-fast speed. and by the time it hits zero, or zearro as mrs yap says, i don't know if i will be alive enough to be doing the actual paper.


argh. i'm getting so scared right now. and i still have to deal with all the other stuff like prom dresses :( oh why oh why oh why did they have to cram prom into our last paper. and why didn't i go shopping before....

i'm so doomed. as of now, 16th of september 12.15 pm, there's 351,900 seconds to go.

They tell me that only the strong survive
I don't know if we'll make it through the night
I guess I'll see you in the afterlife
They tell me that only the strong survive...

please let me be one of them...

okay, rant over. back to horribly long geography



lol: yeah it's out! but they don't bring in to singapore - which sucks. i ordered mine online and had it shipped here. haha. yes i love dougie too (: btw, who are u? lol!!

Sunday, 12 October 2008



9 days more. no, that was yesterday. correction: make that 8 days more.


Monday, 6 October 2008

It's like, ohmigosh.

yeah. today was the Official First Day of the Last week of school. bleughh. and we've just passed the last monday EVER in TK.

i seriously dread this week ending way more than i want it to end. don't even get me started on how much i'll miss 4A and classes and TK and secondary school and sailing and everything. i could write a whole chronicle on how much i love secondary school and how much i wish it didn't have to end so fast.

i'm going to miss secondary school. so so much. and i can't describe exactly how much i'm gonna miss 4A - it's just too much.

but nevermind, we all still have 4 DAYS officially left with each other. let's make the BEST of it. lets cherish it and make it a good time.

but if anyone plays Graduation - Vitamin C or any other school related song on friday. i'm going to cry. i think i will.


wahhh. we're all going to turn into emo, overworked stressed-to-death students.


ying tai: yeah i know. i'll make sure i won't stay back lahh.

Saturday, 4 October 2008

Oh for the future.

my future is set, set in stone, in black and white on paper. at least my JC future that is.

MJC, here i come! i guess initially it scared me to know that, yes now i'm stuck in a certain JC and other options are totally over - no VJC, no TJC, no poly. but then after the open house yesterday, i don't feel so bad and actually i'm quite satisfied with my chioce (i hope).i mean, i like the school! it's bright, cheery, not to mention super giagantic! and yeah they seem pretty fun people with good school culture. MJC may not be the best or the most pretegious school but i think it doesn't really matter to me. they're up and coming, produce pretty good results and i think that's quite good already.i don't need to go to a super big-named school anyway. i'll only be there for 2 years! i really hope i don't regret saying these stuff. haha.

all i have to do now is work really hard.

work? did ya say work? yes seriously you don't wanna even get a small hint of how much work i have to do (unless you've got the same) haha. we're all going to die... papers- mock papers, prelim papers, other school papers. papers papers papers coming out of my ears. and i think i'm crazy cos i just went to popular to get more. oh dear me. so much for mr wee's "pacing, you must have pacing..."

okay, i'm getting back to Emaths. sorry for all the babble up there :P

steamboat tonight! yay



ying tai: LOL. yeah my brother spread it out on the floor (: and it was way way longer than that. it's just that our house wasn't long enough

cyn: haha! yeah imagine carrying that to school!!! my back will like just break. haha! and we have like 9 subjects, so 9 rolls! LOL

dan: lol. u got excited over paper... haha i should bring it to school then we can all draw on it. i bet our class can fill it up :P

janice: haha! it's my mum that brought it home actually. lol. i have no idea where she got it from! (:

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Children's Day!

Yeahh! i used to love love love this day because in primary school children's day meant going to school just to party, getting loads of cool presents from teachers, no lessons!, half day of school, children's day concert where we watched and laughed hysterically at the hilarious concert items the teachers put up for us.ahh good times.

now we don't celebrate it anymore. which is terribly sad! childrens day was one of my fave holidays. and it's not like we celebrate youth day anyway. but you know what? i'm still a kid at heart! yeah we all are and i think we all deserve to have children's day.this year we're lucky - childrens day clashes with Hari Raya.


haha! primary school kids are short of one holiday now. heh. still, it's not much of a "holiday", i'm still studying my ass off.



yesterday, er... we went abit nuts and lined the whole hallway, no not hallway but hallway plus my mum's bedroom, with a LONG sheet of paper. and then we proceded to fill it up with drawings, inspired by that cool nokia advert, which we never did anyway. such a long long roll of paper!


P.S. the 'product' i mentioned earlier (that funny cute advert remember?) is...*drumrolls*... UNDERWEAR! haha. yeah cool.

and 'microgolf oven' is actually just microwave oven in flemish

Quote of the day: "ahh there's a fly....SHOOO"

okay. enjoy the rest of your Children's day "holiday" (:


janice: wow! haha long tag =P yeah i dunno what i'm gonna do with all my books after the Os. haha! the 'product' answer is above =P

yingtai: Bingo! you got it, it's underwear. well, it's OBVIOUSLY not condoms! LOL ewww i wouldn't buy condoms...